Friday, October 7, 2022

You see beautiful behind us, but I have it in my arms next to me!


It's so crazy that we all fill the need to go somewhere to see beauty. Some people want to see Hawaii, or Jamaica, or some may even want to go to Florida for their beauty. Every year millions get on a plane or train or drive to a destination. 

Often times I would wonder why it was such a priority to so many to get away from where they already were. It was unsettling to me that we all seem to run to something beautiful with a fierce type of planning. I know with so many hours given to our jobs and everyday obligations, it was a sense of relief to go anywhere else. 

I never was one who needed to travel or go anywhere really until I met my wife. She is an adventurer and loves to go everywhere. I love her for that and now we try to go somewhere all the time. 

We do it to make memories now and to reminisce with joy and laughter. Being somewhere we never dreamed of going is more exciting than planning to go somewhere. Just get into the truck and drive. No plan at all. 

When we get hungry, we look for a roadside diner or mom and pop place to eat. The pictures on the walls are fascinating to me and often are of the old days. Other people's memories on the wall. I love to try to imagine the time period they are displaying. 

I feel I am getting off topic a little. My point really is that everywhere I go I take the most precious and beautiful thing I know with me. My wife lights up and her smile is intoxicating. I find myself thinking that all the memories we are creating involve the love of my life. It's pure magic and fills my heart more than anywhere I could go. 

My point is in the picture I provided for this blog, the real beauty in the photo is my wife. She has made life a real pleasure to live. I love you my little bunny and can't wait to see your next smile!

Side note to my wife, remember the sun comes up every morning to see you!!!

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