Monday, July 18, 2022

Potato? Yes Please!!!

 Feeding time for Apples is always an amazing invent! We never know what her food of choice may be. 

She loves Chickpea's the best we think out of the many veggies she loves. My wife makes her food by hand every day as well as her pellets that she loves as well. She was eating her mixed veggies when I decided to show her an unpeeled potato.  Just as a mention when we cook potatoes, we peel them for us, and we cut off some for her. 

I showed the potato to her, and I could almost see her wheels turning, oh yeah, I'm going to eat that! 

As I handed it to my wife, I could see Apples eyes pining in and out. This either means she is upset, learning, or hungry. She bit into the potato and went to work on it. Before anyone askes, no she did not eat it all lol. She did however eat a lot of it and then back to her mixed veggies!!! 

We have so much fun learning about her behaviors and how she tells us what she wants at any given time. She is a lot of work, but the rewards far outweigh any troubles. She is my wife's for sure but I love her just the same!!!! Thank you and have a wonderful day!!!!

Birds Nest Family

Friday, July 15, 2022

                                                A BEAUTIFUL STORM IS BREWING!!!

What a beautiful day to reconnect!!! My wife and I travel by RV as some of you may know. We get out and walk most every day or ride a bike for exercise! Texas is hot and humid so we go as early as we can to beat the heat. Part of our journey was to work off a budget so we could live the life we want together and not Burdon anyone. We also travel with our three feather babies as most of you know they are more like our children. Some days we have to weather a storm or two and that's the best time to reconnect!!! 

Inside we are comfortable with plenty to do and eat so no worries there. This is the time we get most creative! Recipes begin to come to fruition. Homemade soup on the stove, potatoes, onions, carrots peas, and a nice veggie broth!!! I also add Onion powder, Pepper, salt, smoked paprika and thyme. Takes about an hour and ready to go!!! So Delicious!!! Time to reconnect means to look at what you have and who you share it with. My wife Julie and I are without a doubt best friend's and travel companions. We have been in love for 21 years and married 20 of those years. I love to just look at her and wonder how I was able to meet such a beautiful woman with such beautiful soul. A love like this makes any task worth doing as long as it's with each other. 

Next time you are in the middle of a beautiful storm, tuck in and take stock. Love like tomorrow may never come and remember to be well. Thank you for taking the time to read our little blog and I hope wherever you are life finds you well!!!

PS. Some photos below! 


Birds Nest Family!  

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Helping fellow RV friends when in need! ELECTRIC OUTAGE!

Yesterday my wife and I were on a walk when we saw a lady in need! She was walking around her

Class C and looking very worried. I walked over and asked if I could help? She said her power was out and nothing is running!

Now we are in Texas, and it was 100 plus degrees outside, and AC is a must. I did the normal tests that I would do on my own RV. Checked her breakers, all her fuses and nothing was tripped. I told her we better call the park ranger and get her some help. 

After over an hour and no ranger or maintenance worker showed up as promised. I finally decided we need to move her to a new site and hope that it was indeed the electrical outlet on the parks side. 

First place she went to was also a no go. Second site was good. Got her in there and put her power cord in the power box. AC kicked on and she was so happy. It was frustrating at first but once we got her hooked up and her power back on, relief set in. She told me she is in her 70's and has no clue on how to work on an RV.

Lesson in Kindness, 

Remember she could have been your mother, grandmother or an aunt. Be KIND!!!


 Birds Nest Family

Monday, July 11, 2022

Introducing The Birds Nest!!!

 Welcome to our RV travel blog! We are a family of 3 birds my wife Julie and myself Byron!

We will be traveling to a lot of Thousand Trails sites as well as some others all while sharing. Today we are at Lake Tawakoni. The park is run very well and peaceful for the most part. We did have a family that decided to fight with each other fueled by alcohol as most fights are. The rangers handle it in a quick fashion and peace was restored! ✌ There are 2 pools as well as 2 club houses within walking distance. 

The rest of the park is business as usual. 

We travel with 3 birds from the Parrot family. Pumpkin is a 10-year-old Sun Conure who loves to travel and go anywhere. He loves to just hang out or even watch a movie. He was my wife's bird first, but he became mine by his own choice.  Birds will choose their person. Next is Apples a Yellow Napped Amazon. She is 6 years old and was our problem child. We rescued her when she was 9 months old. She had been abused as a baby and was a fighting mess when we got her. One of her toes were cut off to her knuckle and her wings were cut to the blood feathers. She hated men and I was no exception. She bit me with a great deal of force and would not come near me for 4 years. My wife and her bonded and they were in love and inseparable! She now sings 4 or 5 songs and talks like I have never heard before in my life. She answers in my wife's voice and makes it a little funny when asking for things I want. Good example was I was on the scout for a mustang!!! I found one and wanted to go see it. I said can we go see this particular car and I got a yeah. I got a shower and got ready only to find that my wife was still sitting on the couch. 

She had no clue what I was talking about when I said are you going to get ready to go see the car. It was Apples! 

Our third bird is Sage. She is a Mini Hahns Macaw. She is a pill at just 2 years old now. She calls me papa and blows kisses at me. She is also mine as I wanted her so bad when she was just a baby. Bug eyed little thing was still being fed with a syringe. We brought her home with the permission of the pet store as long as we brought her in for checkups. We agreed. My wife fed her most of the time and I bonded with her right way. She was so easy at first but quickly became a biter. Like a needle piercing the skin and boy we would bleed. She is now a lot better and only sometimes has a spell where she lashes out.

My wife and I are in love and have been for 21 years. We have been married 20 of those years and she 
is my whole world.  I can't wait to see her in the morning and miss her when we sleep! We are traveling with our babies and seeing parts of the country together. I am a first-time blogger and hope to bring you content you can enjoy and if you have ever wondered about RV life, this may help!!!

This is a little introduction and hope you like us and follow our journey! 


Birds Nest Family

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